Liebster Award!

Big thanks to Tiny Obsessions who nominated me for a Liebster Award! 


The Liebster Blog award is an award for blogs with less than 200 followers. “Leibster” is German for beloved and a blog nominated for this award is considered “worth watching” (blushes).


If nominated for an award then you must do the following:

  1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you
  2. Answer the 11 questions given to you by the blogger who nominated you
  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers
  4. Go to the blogs you nominated and notify them of your nomination
  5. Give your nominees 11 questions to answer

My answers to Tiny Obsessions‘ questions

1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?

I would like to say wherever the best people in the world live but that’s not a good enough answer so right now I’ll say London. I know it’s not the most beautiful city in the world but so much of what I love comes from there and every time I go there I just want to live there more and more.

2. Favorite Superhero? Why?

Batman, because he’s Batman. No but seriously Batman is my favourite superhero because he didn’t just happen to get superpowers by chance, he chose to devote himself to fighting injustice and that is awesome. Plus he looks cool and has loads of money.

3. Favorite drama, comedy and SCi-Fi tv show?

Drama: Hm… it’s a toss up between Breaking Bad and Sherlock at the moment but I think I’ll go for Sherlock right now as I still haven’t gotten over that series finale…
Comedy: If you’re asking for my all time favourite comedy show then I have to say The Simpsons but only the first 10 years of it! But if you’re asking for my favourite comedy at the moment then I would say Ricky Gervais’ comedy Derek, I just finished watching the first season the other day, fantastic stuff.
Sci-Fi: Doctor Who, what else could it be?

4. What’s your TV guilty pleasure and why?

Probably the BBC Drama Waterloo Road. Because even though the show is all over the place with writing ranging from great to laughable and some story-lines being so stupid I want to throw my remote control at the screen, I still love watching it because of how funny it can be, intentionally or not. Plus it still can do drama pretty well.

5. Which one is your Doctor? And Companion?

I discovered Doctor Who when it relaunched back in 2005 so my Doctor and companion will always be Christopher Eccleston with Billie Piper as Rose (not my favourite companion but my first).

6. Which of the Deathly Hallows (Elder Wand, Resurrection Stone and Cloak of Invisibility) would you rather possess? Why?

Cloak of Invisibility! So I can freak people out.

7. Robert Downey Jr, Benedict Cumberbatch or Jonny Lee Miller, which one is the best Sherlock Holmes? And who is the best Watson, Jude Law, Martin Freeman or Lucy Liu?

Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. No contest.

8. Favorite comfort food?

Pizza, always Pizza.

9. What the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Check my clock and hope that I woke up early so I can still get some more sleep.

10. What made you start blogging?

I had stuff to say and needed a way of saying it. Plus I wanted to see if I could do as well as some of the brilliant bloggers and youtubers who inspired me.

11. What’s your favorite post that you have written?

Hm…well my Top Ten Harry Potter Moments article got me the most followers in one day so I’ll say that one.

My Nominations

My 11 nominations for the Liebster Award are:

  1. Scripts And Screens 
  2. Crap Kills
  3. TraficanteDeSuenos
  4. Media Bites
  5. I Like Pop Culture and Not Much Else
  6. SSP Thinks Film
  7. Trailer Tune
  8. The World Ahead
  9. Dance as if no one is watching
  10. Burning Star Blog
  11. Narrative Devices

My Questions

  1. Why did you start Blogging?
  2. Best year of your life so far?
  3. Who would win in a fight, Batman or Superman?
  4. What would you do with £10,000?
  5. Favourite children’s T.V show?
  6. Is there a skill you wish you have?
  7. Film or T.V?
  8. Favourite comedian?
  9. Favourite film of 2013?
  10. What do you hope to gain from Blogging?
  11. What’s your favourite post you’ve made?

I know some may see this as annoying chain-mail and yeah in some ways they’re right, but I am very grateful to get a nomination for this and am happy to give other blogs some recognition.

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