The Fault in Our Stars (2014) – Film Review


This film will make you cry. There is simply no other way of putting it; if you’re an ordinary human being with blood pumping through your veins and capable of feeling emotion then it is almost guaranteed that you will walk out of seeing “The Fault in Our Stars” blubbering like a baby. And that is not down to an emotionally manipulative or over-egged screenplay which is the case in many so-called “tear-jerker” movies. “The Fault in Our Stars” is a film that effortlessly gets its audience invested in these characters and their stories, to the point where you’ll have to remind yourself that it’s only a movie. Continue reading

Breaking Bad – Season One Review

“Chemistry is the study of matter. But I prefer to see it as the study of change.”

breaking bad

Undoubtedly one of the greatest Television dramas of all time, Breaking Bad has been an enormous success ever since it’s introduction in 2008. As absurd as it seems, the story of a terminally ill chemistry teacher cooking crystal meth to pay the bills blew the minds of so many people and now while the series may have concluded, it will never be forgotten for being masterpiece of Television that it was. And so I’ve decided to take a critical look at this almighty show, season by season; so let’s start where it all began. Continue reading